
                                                                                                          Important Note

The legislation contained on this website is published for the use of those concerned with day-to-day matters in aviation but is not to be treated as authoritative.

While the Authority has made every effort to ensure that the legislation is current and accurate as they are released by the relevant authorities, the Authority will not accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information.

Authoritative documents are those published by the Government Printer and may be available from the Government bookshop or purchased in hard copy at the Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority Headquarters.

Inquiries regarding the content of these publications should be addressed to:

Director-General, Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority, attention Legal Affairs Unit.

Year Document Title Description Action
2021 The Civil Aviation (Training Centre) Management and Operations Rules, 2021. GN No. 179 Download
2010 Civil Aviation (Rates Charges) Rules, 2010. Download
2009 The Civil Aviation (Procedures for Complaint Handling) Rules, 2009. Download
2007 Civil Aviation Authority (Rules for Conducting Inquiries), 2007. Download