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Part III – Adopted code of conduct


Adopted Code of Conduct


        (Made under Section 36 (1) of Cap 80)


Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority (TCAA) is a regulatory authority established by an Act of Parliament (Cap 80 R.E 2020). The Authority regulates air transport, aeronautical airport services, and air navigation services and took over operations entrusted with the former Authority, including the provision of air navigation services.

1.1 Vision

“Propelling Tanzania’s Civil Aviation System to excellence in Africa and beyond”

1.2 Mission

"To ensure safety, security and regularity of civil aviation in Tanzania by providing effective oversight and efficient air navigation services while maintaining quality, protecting the environment and safeguarding the interest of our customers and the public"

1.3 Motto

Aviation safety. Our Commitment. In Partnership.

1.4 Values

In pursuing the Vision and Mission, the Authority shall uphold the following values or principles, which underscore the Authority’s corporate and employee behavior.

·       Integrity

·       Morals

·       Professionalism and Customer focused

·       Accountability and Efficiency

·       Commitment

·       Transparency, Teamwork


2.1 This Code of Conduct is established by the Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority (TCAA) to fulfill its legal obligation under the Act and for the purpose of promoting public confidence in the effectiveness of TCAA and its commitment and ability to serve the public interest.

2.2 Further to the foregoing purpose, TCAA shall establish, implement and enforce high standards of honesty, integrity, impartiality, and professionalism for all TCAA employees, including members of the Board of Directors relative to the discharge of their official duties and responsibilities under The Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority Act, 2020.

2.3 The code, which subscribes fully and is in addition to the Public Leadership Code Act and Code of Ethics and Conducts for Public Service, sets out the standards of behavior, which the aviation industry and the general public may expect from the Authority.


Unless otherwise, the context requires, in this Code, the following terms have the meanings as hereunder:

“Act” means the Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority Act, Cap 80;

“Authority” means the Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority;

“Board Member” means any member of the Board of Directors and includes the Chairman and the Director-General;

“Business Activity” shall mean the purchase, sale, or rental of goods, works, services, or real estate, or any interests therein;

“Chairman” means Chairman of the Board;

“Conflict of Interest” means a situation or a circumstance where a Member or Employee has a private or personal interest that is sufficient to appear to influence the objective and impartial exercise of his or her official duties;

“Director-General” means the director-general of the Authority;

“Employee(s)” means a person employed by TCAA including the Director-General, Divisional Directors, managers, other officers, and staff members, and consultants on temporary assignment or contract to the Authority;

“Entity” means a corporation, company, association, firm, partnership, society, Joint Stock Company, or any other organization or institution;

“Immediate Family” mean all relatives residing in the same household as a member or Employee;

“Relatives" shall mean parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews;

"Pecuniary Interest" means direct or beneficial ownership of any of the following financial interests: shares, securities, debt obligations, and proprietary or partnership interests; or rights to rents, royalties, income, compensation, or any other payments of any kind. For purposes of this definition, beneficial ownership shall include, but not be limited to, nominal ownership by a party under circumstances where another party expects to receive at any time ownership, in whole or in part, of the financial interest or any economic return, gain or benefit from the financial interest;

“Person” means an individual;

“Primary Party of Interest” mean a Person or Entity subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of TCAA or a person or entity who is a competitor of a Person or Entity subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of TCAA, including but not limited to, a licensee or a prospective licensee, or any Person or Entity which realizes a significant portion of its business activity from making transactions with, or furnishings goods or services to a Person or Entity subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of TCAA;

“Secondary Party of Interest” shall mean a Person or Entity, other than a Primary Party of Interest, materially affected, directly or indirectly, by a matter that is, or is expected to be pending before TCAA;


4.1 All employees shall conduct themselves in a manner that inspires confidence and trust among the regulated entities, their customers, competitors, and especially the public.

4.2 All employees shall strive to continually improve their professional competence and their ability to serve the public interest.

4.3 An employee shall not engage in fraudulent, wasteful, abusive, or corrupt activities or practices relative to the personnel policies and practices of their employer, duties, and obligations as an employee.

4.4 An employee shall not engage in personal use of the public property of any kind other than the performance of official duties and shall not permit such use by others.

4.5 An employee shall not retain any property of the employer upon completion of its use for an authorized purpose nor acquire possession of any property of the employer not authorized for use by the employee.


5.1 Employees shall endeavor to perform their duties diligently by maintaining the highest standard of discipline. They shall demonstrate their sense of responsibility by ensuring that they:

5.1.1 use their skills, knowledge, and expertise to attain maximum results;

5.1.2 execute duties and assigned responsibilities with maximum standards and within the required time;

5.1.3 disengage from any conduct which might impair work performance;

5.1.4 are ready to work at any duty station; and

5.1.5 are punctual in terms of office hours at workplaces and official engagement.


6.1 No employee shall use his or her official position to obtain unwarranted privileges or personal benefits for which such person would otherwise be ineligible.

6.2 No employee shall, during the performance of his or her official duties, discriminate against or provide preferential treatment to any Person or Entity.

6.3 No employee shall engage in any activity that may impair his or her independence and impartiality with respect to official duties.

6.4 No employee at any time, including post-employment, shall disclose, directly or indirectly, to any unauthorized Person or Entity, confidential information acquired during employment with TCAA, nor shall such information be used to further his or her private interests. No employee shall disclose information not intended to be currently available to the public such as docket, agenda, schedules, inquiries investigation, audits, and similar matters.

6.5 No employee shall solicit or accept, directly or indirectly, a bribe from any Person or Entity.


7.1 Employees shall familiarize themselves with rules, regulations, and procedures and appropriately abide by them.

7.2 Employees shall apply the prevailing laws, regulations, and procedures when discharging their duties and in the process identify gaps, which need to be rectified.

7.3 Employees shall not discriminate or harass a member of the public or a fellow employee on grounds of sex, tribe, religion, political affiliations, nationality, ethnicity, marital status, or disability.

7.4 Employees shall discourage all forms of sexual relationships at the workplace and during working hours. Likewise, they will avoid all types of conduct that may constitute sexual harassment which includes engaging in, or containing;

(a) pressure for sexual activity or sexual favors with any person;

(b) rape, sexual battery, molestation, or any form of sexual assault;

(c) intentional physical contact which is sexual in nature such as unwelcome touching, pinching, patting, grabbing, and/or brushing against another person’s body, hair, or clothes.

(d) sexual innuendoes, gestures, noises, jokes, comments, or remarks to another person about one’s sexual favors; and

(e) viewing, displaying, or sharing inappropriate sexually explicit material or material that may be deemed morally offensive in the work environment or during working hours.


8.1 No Board Member or employee of the Authority shall acquire any pecuniary or other interest that conflicts, can conflict, or is likely to conflict with the performance of his/her duties as a member or employee of the Authority.

8.2 Where at any time any member or employee of the Authority has a conflict of interest in relation to any matter that is before the Authority for consideration or determination or any matter that is reasonably expected might come before the Authority for consideration or determination, such member or employee shall immediately disclose the conflict of interest and shall refrain from taking part in the consideration or determination of the matter.

8.3 Any person who without reasonable cause, fails to make a declaration of his interest as required or who knowingly makes a false declaration or misleading in material particulars thereby affecting the decision or determination of the Authority, shall be considered to have breached this code of conduct.


9.1 Declarable Financial Interests

Declarable Financial Interests shall include all property or assets owned by, and liabilities owed to the Employee and spouse, subject to the following:

9.1.1 An Employee shall be required to declare as his or her property, and property shall be deemed to be declarable by an Employee, if:

(a) It is a matrimonial property;

(b) It is jointly owned with the spouse or spouses of the Employee;

(c) There is an allegation that an Employee appears to have suddenly and inexplicably come into possession of extraordinary riches in relation to his/her observable sources of income.

9.1.2 Notwithstanding the above, an Employee shall be required to declare the property of his spouse, or that which is not matrimonial or not jointly owned, if it is alleged that the Employee, her or his immediate family appears to have suddenly and inexplicably come into possession of extraordinary riches in relation to his observable sources of income. In addition, an employee shall be required to declare his pecuniary interests.

9.2 Officers required to declare

9.2.1 Members of the Board of Directors, except the Chairman and the Director-General and Division Directors who are subject to The Public Leadership Code of Ethics Act, 1995.

9.2.2 Finance Manager, Procurement and Materials Management Manager; Civil Aviation Managers, Supplies Officers, Accountants, Flight Safety, Security, Inspectors, and Air Transport Officers.


Board Members and employees who are directly involved in regulating the industry, shall not, during a period of eighteen months after the expiration or termination of the term of office or service with the Authority enter into any contract of employment, joint venture, partnership, own shares with, or contract for the supply of services to, any person or organization whose services are being regulated by the Authority.


Members and Employees of the Authority shall also be bound by the Code of Ethics and Conduct for the Public Service Tanzania.


The provision of this Code can be amended and modified by the Authority from time to time and all such amendments and modifications shall take effect from the date stated therein.