Air Operator Certificate
If Tanzania is your principal place of business and you intend to operate your aircraft for the purpose of public commercial air transport (hire and reward), you are required by the Civil Aviation Regulations ( CARs ) of Tanzania to hold an Air Operator Certificate (AOC) before the anticipated start of operations.
The Authority Operations Office issues Air Operator Certificates (AOCs) to Air Operators under The Civil Aviation ( Air Operator Certification and Administration ) Regulations, 2017.
NOTE: You are required to apply and obtain regulatory approval (AOC) from TCAA at least ninety (90) days before commencing commercial air transport services (scheduled and non-scheduled).
The Authority
is mainly tasked with the following functions:
(a) Flight Operations Office in coordination with Airworthiness Office conducts initial certifications, Ad-hoc and recurrent inspections of Air Operators under the TCAA regulatory framework and in accordance with The Civil Aviation (Air Operator Certification and Administration) Regulations, 2017.
(b) For more information on the application and certification process for an Air Operator Certificate (AOC), click here.
(a) Flight Operations Office works hand-in-hand with the Personnel Licensing Office on the physical issuance and maintenance of personnel licenses and certificates. This includes Pilots, Cabin Crews, Flight Dispatchers, and Drone Operators.
(b) Flight Operations Office in coordination with Personnel Licensing Office evaluates applications of foreign licenses for conversion or validation to Tanzanian licenses by consultation with other ICAO contracting states; and
(c) The unit also issues and renews licenses, certificates, and additional ratings to aviation personnel.
3. TRAINING (Approved Training Organization)
Flight Operations works hand-in-hand with Personnel Licensing Office to conduct certifications, approvals, and surveillance of Approved Training Organizations (ATOs) as prescribed in The Civil Aviation (Approved Training Organizations) Regulations, 2017 by:
(a) Approving training organizations.
(b) Qualifying flight simulation training devices.
(c) Exercising continued surveillance of Approved training organizations.
(a) Flight Operations Office develops and maintains regulations related to flight operations that include drafting, amendment of regulations, and technical guidance material (TGMs).
(b) Enforcing law and regulations; and
(c) Developing procedures.