Aerodromes and Ground Aids
The Aerodrome and Ground Aids (AGA) Section is a section within the Directorate of Safety Regulations (DSR) mandated by the Director General under Section 25 of the Civil Aviation Act [CAP. 80 R.E 2020], responsible for carrying out efficient and effective safety oversight of aerodromes operations with the objective of enhancing the safe operation of aircraft and continually ensuring compliance with national and international standards.
AGA Section ensures implementation of the Civil Aviation
(Aerodromes) Regulations, transposed from International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) Annex 14 Volume 1, Aerodrome Design and Operations, and
Volume 2 – Heliports, the International Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS)
applied universally and produce a high degree of technical uniformity which has
enabled international civil aviation to develop in a safe, orderly and
efficient manner.
AGA Section Inspectors
perform safety oversight on aerodromes by:
i). Designing requirements which include but not limited to runways, taxiways, and aprons;
ii). Designing requirements for aerodrome electrical systems which include substations, runways, taxiways, and apron;
iii). By auditing Safety Management policies, procedures, and processes as outlined in the Aerodrome Manual by ensuring that it is documented and implemented;
iv). By ensuring that the aerodrome meets its level of rescue and firefighting protection as well as ensuring that the Aerodrome Emergency Response Plan (AEP) manual is in place and implemented;
v). For the safe operations on the apron which includes aircraft and vehicle movement, marshaling, refueling activities, and bird/wildlife management. Also responsible for accident and incident investigations on aerodrome movement areas;
vi). The design requirements of
heliports which include the physical characteristics of the touchdown and
liftoff (TLOF) area, final approach and take off (FATO) area, ground and air
taxi routes, lighting aids as well as safety operations consisting of Rescue
and Firefighting, Apron Operations and Safety Management.
AGA Section objectives
among others is to ensure safe, resilient, and efficient aerodrome operations
throughout the United Republic of Tanzania through:
i). Development of Technical Guidance Materials (TGMs) i.e. advisory circulars, forms, manuals, checklists, etc. on Design, construction, operation, certification, licensing, registration approvals, obstacle limitations, etc. to ensure compliance with standards;
ii). Development/Amendment of the Civil Aviation Aerodromes Regulations in line with Annex 14 SARPs amendments and demand of the industry;
iii). Certification/Licensing and Registration approvals;
iv). Control of obstacles in the vicinity of aerodromes;
v). Enforcement of Aerodromes and Ground Aids (AGA) regulatory compliance to ensure aerodrome operators comply with the regulatory requirements e.g. for marking and illuminating obstacles, both on the aerodrome and in the vicinity of aerodromes;
vi). Coordination with Stakeholders on Airport Development by reviewing plans and designs submitted to the Authority for approval to ensure that the requirements of Aerodrome Regulations in line with ICAO SARPs are complied with;
vii). Surveillance and Audits to
ensure serviceability of aerodrome facilities including runway, taxiway and
apron surfaces, ground aids and associated infrastructures;
Note: Aerodrome Operators are required to comply with the Civil Aviation (Aerodromes) Regulations related to their operations and all aerodrome users are urged to
comply to enhance the
safe operations of aircraft.